November 5, 2008


Children in the preschool years love routines. They like their lives to be clear, know what's going to happen and they enjoy the security of comfortable repetition. A familiar routine in the morning, at mealtimes, and at bedtime can be comforting to young children and they may even eliminate the need to test limits.

As children grow older, routines can lessen many hassles around homework, or chores, especially when the child is old enough to be involved in creating the routine. The routine then becomes the ‘boss’ where everyone knows what should happen next.

To feel somewhat in control of a world that feels out of control at times, the toddler relies upon routines. The rituals of toddlers can become all consuming, like one little boy who said goodnight every night to twenty-one stuffed animals. Routines need time so allow plenty of it to avoid power struggles.

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