November 5, 2008


When asking your child a simple task like picking up their toys, they may respond in backtalk like, ‘No, I won’t. I’m too tired.’ Or ‘You do it!’ Or the ever popular, ‘You can’t make me!’

Having a child rudely challenge you at every turn can infuriate the most patient parent and you start to worry that you’re raising a defiant child with no manners or consideration for others. This behaviour is common in preschool children. If your child is in elementary school years, these tips will help you conquer this behaviour as well.

Children listen and mimic how we talk to each other and how we talk to them.

Tips on dealing with backtalk:

  • Take a deep breath to keep calm

  • Make statements simple like, 'I don’t like to be called stupid. I will listen to you when you speak nicely to me.’

  • Use choices whenever possible.

  • Help children identify and manage their emotions.

  • Sometimes calmly ignoring a behaviour may be the best way to discourage it.

  • Is your child getting enough time and attention from you? Behaviour like this may mean they need some extra positive attention from you.

* photo by 'sesame ellis'

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