December 3, 2008

Emotional Coaching

Recently I attended a talk by Tania Fierro on Emotional Coaching.

It was good to see some parents I haven't seen in a while. (You know who you are!) It is so helpful to go to talks once in awhile, because you always come away with a tip or two. I know I do.
Tania, from 'Innerland', spoke about the importance emotions have in ourselves and in our relationships.

It may sound simple, but being aware of what your child is feeling—and why she is feeling it—can open up ways that will allow you to play a meaningful role in helping your child grow up happy, healthy and well-adjusted.
It's the heart and mind connection.

To know your child, know yourself. Become aware of your emotions so you can be empathic to others people's emotions.

Listen to and validate the child's feelings . Everyone wants to be heard. We really have to listen to what is going on behind the words. (Besides it's good practice for other important relationships in our lives, if you know what I mean!)

Label emotions so children can identify and can tell you how they are feeling - help him discover where these feelings come from.

When we are in touch with our feelings and emotions, we can then start to problem solve.

Ways to see the emotion behind the words:

  • Try seeing the world from your child's view when he is struggling with an emotion.

  • Listen to your child during playtime for clues to what is making her anxious, scared, happy or proud.

  • When appropriate, share your emotions with your child.

  • Know that children can experience different emotions at the same time.
  • Remember that children are learning about emotions by watching you handle yours.

There is so much to this topic. I will write more about it at a later date.

Comments? More information?

Books on this subject are posted on website.

Picture: Jane Costa Lima

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